To open an account or loan with Palmetto Citizens, one of the following must apply:
You live, work, worship, attend school, or have immediate family in one or more of the following South Carolina counties: Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland or Saluda.
You are an immediate family member or member of the houshold of an existing member of PCFCU.
You are authorized to open an account for a businesses, organization, non-profit, church or other legal entity operating in one of the counties listed above.
If one of the above statements apply to you, select 'Continue' to proceed with your online loan application.
If you have questions about membership eligibility with Palmetto Citizens, feel free to contact us at 803-732-5000 or visit any of our branches.
If you're already a member and enrolled in digital banking, please log in to your account to complete your application.