Webinar Details & Signup

June 15, 2023

Elder Financial Abuse

7:00PM - 7:30PM

Webinar Overview

Studies show financial fraud is one of the most common forms of abuse amongst the elderly. Being informed about this subject can help lead to prevention.

The first step is to understand how seniors are targeted and what steps you can take to prevent fraud from happening to you or your loved ones. Join us for a free webinar (powered by Demio) to learn about:

  • Common forms of financial elder fraud.
  • Ways to recognize and reduce the risk of financial exploitation.
  • Steps to take if you or a loved one fall victim.

Please use the form on this page to register for this free virtual presentation. During the workshop, you will have the ability to ask questions if you'd like and can download the workshop materials.

If you have any questions, or would like any additional information, please us or call (803) 376-2675.

Webinar Registration