Webinar Details & Signup

May 9, 2023

Teaching Kids About Money

7:00PM - 7:30PM

Webinar Details

It's never too early to start teaching kids about money! Skills learned at an early age can have a lasting impact on the rest of your child's life. Educating your children about financial wellness will help them build healthy spending habits for the future.

Parents and guardians of preschool and elementary aged children are encouraged to join us for a free webinar (powered by Demio) to learn about:

  • Influencing your child’s money values and behaviors.
  • Helping your child manage money.
  • How advertising affects children.
  • Reinforcing your teaching outside the home.

Please use the form on this page to register for this free virtual presentation. During the workshop, you will have the ability to ask questions if you'd like and can download the workshop materials.

If you have any questions, or would like any additional information, please us or call (803) 376-2675.

Webinar Registration