Join Palmetto Citizens
Become a member today and enjoy better rates, fewer fees and the personalized service we’ve been providing to Midlands residents since 1936.
Online Membership Application
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For Further Assistance
If you need additional help, our staff is available to you. Contact us using any of the methods below.
Hours of operation:
Monday - Thursday, 9am - 5pm ET
Friday, 9am - 6pm ET
Book an appointment with our staff
Log in to send a Help Desk message
Phone: (803) 732-5000

To begin your credit union relationship, simply open a savings account with as little as $25 by completing our online application or visiting any of our branches. You can also choose to open a checking account, additional savings accounts or apply for a loan.
Once your membership has been opened, you are able to take advantage of all benefits that come with being a Palmetto Citizens member.
Online membership applications are now available for all personal accounts.
Membership Eligibility
Palmetto Citizens membership is open to any individual who lives, works, worships or attends school in the following counties in central South Carolina: Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland or Saluda.
Membership may also be available to businesses, non-profits, churches and legal entities operating in this area. If you’re outside this area but have immediate family in these counties, you may be eligible to join as well.
The Credit Union Difference
As a credit union, we’re a not-for-profit financial institution. That means we, unlike banks, do not have to pay earnings to stockholders. Instead, we return profits back to our member-owners as lower loan rates, higher savings rates and fewer fees.
When you borrow and save with Palmetto Citizens, you are also keeping your money locally. That means we’re able to assist more of your neighbors, area small businesses and local charitable causes.
Funds deposited in our credit union are federally insured by a fund backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. As the FDIC does for banks, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) insures savings of at least up to $250,000 per account. The NCUSIF is administered by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the federal government.
The History of Palmetto Citizens
Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union, formerly known as Columbia (SC) Teachers FCU, was organized and issued a federal charter on June 4, 1936. Ten individuals each deposited $5.00 to begin the credit union which only served the employees of Columbia Public Schools.
In 2001, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the federal government that oversees all federally chartered credit unions, gave approval for us to become a community based credit union and officially became Palmetto Citizens. We were the first credit union in South Carolina to be granted a multi-county community charter.
Today, Palmetto Citizens is one of South Carolina's larger credit unions, serving over 80,000 members with assets of over $1.3 billion.
Equality for All
In accordance with federal laws and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:
U.S. Department of the Treasury,
Director, Office of Civil Rights
and Equal Employment Opportunity
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20220;
call (202) 622 - 1160;
or send an e-mail to:
De acuerdo a lo establecido por las leyes federales y las políticas del Departamento del Tesoro esta organización no puede discriminar por causa de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad, o porque una persona tiene impedimentos.
Para presentar una queja sobre discriminación, escriba a:
U.S. Department of the Treasury,
Director, Office of Civil Rights
and Equal Employment Opportunity
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20220;
llame al (202) 622-1160;
o envíe un correo electrónico a:
Equal Opportunity for All
Related Links
For Further Assistance
If you need additional help, our staff is available to you. Contact us using any of the methods below.
Hours of operation:
Monday - Thursday, 9am - 5pm ET
Friday, 9am - 6pm ET
Book an appointment with a staff member
Log in to send a Help Desk message
Phone: (803) 732-5000
PATRIOT Act: To comply with the USA PATRIOT Act, Palmetto Citizens is required to verify the identity of members applying for membership and opening new accounts or services. Information we are required to obtain includes name, mailing and residence address, date of birth and a copy of a government issued photo ID. Additional information may also be gathered depending on the type of account applied for or opened. Identification and information on existing members will be gathered as they open or use additional services offered by the credit union. Confidentiality of the information gathered and used by Palmetto Citizens will be maintained as required under the Privacy Act.